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Guilty Pleasure

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I hate Nickelback. All of their songs sound exactly the same. I bet I could mix 4-5 songs together and they would pretty much match up.

But I have a guilty pleasure...

A few weeks ago, I went through a really hard time with my boyfriend, most of you know about it. After that day, I've had a hell of a time trying to fall asleep. He used to talk to me each night, and sometimes I would record his little speeches so I could listen to them until I fell asleep. After what happened, I decided it was wrong to listen to those recordings anymore. So, I zipped them and locked it away and went to bed.

I lay there for six hours staring at the ceiling, until the sun came up and I had to get up for school.

The next day was the same, I stared at the wall hugging my bear (who is named after him). Then my fish died, who was also named after him. That was on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was at my computer after school - dead tired with a killer headache, face down on desk listening to my iTunes on shuffle.

And a Nickelback song came on. I had downlaoded them last year to make my Mom's boyfriend some CD's for father's day - he drives 6-8 hours back and forth to Washington every weekend, a lot of it is desert without reception so I thought it would be nice to have some tracks, and he likes Nickelback.

The song was "Someday". You know,

"Someday, somehow
gonna make it allright but not right now
I know you're wondering when."

Anyways, I found the boring monotomy of Nickelback's repetitive musical devices and dull, melancholy lyrics actually seemed to... make me stupider. It's like I was brought down to their level of thinking, my mind became really one-track. And I got sleeepy.

So, I started looping Nickelback songs on a playlist called "Please Sleep", and it worked. I could sleep again. I'd also listen to it on the way to school, and sometimes during study block when I was having trouble concentrating. Repulsive, but it works.

I feel guilty writing this, like if I some day admitted I like the Jonas Brothers or Justin Beiber.... ugh even typing those words makes me feel neasous. Even though things are more or less alright between him and me right now, some days I still listen to Nickelback to sleep, or having a mental block.

I think it's my biggest guilty pleasure :( It would be easier if he wasn't so far away :(


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