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Counting Sheep

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Hello :)

This will be my new personal blog. I have so many blogs now! I think this one will be the most frequently updated one, though.

For the record, hitsuji (ひつじ, or 羊) means "sheep" in Japanese.

My English name is "Rachel," but in Japanese my name is "Hitsuji". It is a strange name, I know! Like naming your kid Waffle or Peanut or something haha :) Usually girl names in Japanese that are weird like this, they add "ko" on to the end (which means small, or child) but no, mine is just plain Hitsuji. It is weird like me!

My full English name is Rachel Lauren Yamamoto. My Japanese name is Yamamoto Hitsuji (山本). And, although it's not on my papers, my mom made me a Japanese middle name which is Sanae (早苗), which means young rice plant :> Sometimes my mom calls me Midori for no reason because she likes that name, and says green suits me. But my actual name is Hitsuji! Hence the name of this blog!

It's just for posting my daily stuff, and pictures. For my other blogs, I will link them to this later! I have one for dance, one for art/game design, one for music, and one for the book that me and my friend have been working on!




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