It's finally feeling like Vancouver again. I mean, usually our weather is something like this:
Summer: 100% humidity, storms, and 40+ degree weather. Meltingly hot.

Winter: RAAAAAAAAAAINNNNNNN + SNOWWWWW = ICE. Car crashes. People dying to falling branches.
Spring: 3 months of nonstop rain and hail.
Normally, if I had to choose I guess Winter is my favourite time of year around here. However, the past year was more like this:
Summer 2009: Hot, dry, stormless. Where's the humidity and monster thunderstorms?
Autumn: Hot, dry, absolutely no wind. Am I missing something?
Winter: Summer. Hot, windless, rainless, cloudless, snowless. Not even one flake. I live in Canada, where's my snow?! The trees started blooming in January.
Spring 2010: Wind, more wind. Sun. More wind. Where's the rain?
Hello, isn't Vancouver supposed to be the wettest place north of the Equator?
But I can rest assured the rain will come now. I mean, it hasn't had a good rain for awhile. Us Vancouverites need the rain to survive, where would our workforce be without S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder, a.k.a. getting depressed during the rainy season)? We factor the lethargy, fatigue, and lack of motivation into our yearly cycles. School and work lets up a bit for winter and early spring. But we spent this last winter as if it were summer. My friends went surfing... in January. We hosted the Winter Olympics, and yet had to make fake snow to do so. Luckily, the miserable Vancouver weather is finally on its way. I miss the pouring, nonstop rain, flooding, power outages, train malfunctions, bus delays and sunless days!
Anyways, today was pretty standard. Dance in the morning for two hours, though I was so exhausted (went to bed at 3am last night - woke at 7). Class was at 11ish, got my monster essay back. I wrote it in 1 hour, with a surprise topic - 6 pages on symbolism in one hour, and major carpal tunnel. I got 100% again *brag brag* only one in the class to get 100%'s on my papers. It was also noted by someone in my class that I am like a cat. I tend to stare at the ceiling, counting the dots, and following flies around the room when I'm thinking. So now I've been called a peacock, parrot, pineapple and a cat by my classmates.
After class, I got picked up by Cory who drove up from Oregon! He drove me to River Road and let me test drive his finished skyline. Hope Nick doesn't read that, lol. It was pretty damn sweet, and really smooth I was surprised, but I was nervous to drift it because of what happened with his Del Sol. And I haven't drifted anything since Lei left, I don't even think I can do it properly I'm scared I would flip the car. So he took me for some doughnuts in a construction lot instead, then we went and got root beer floats at A&W. It was awesome. I did some dirty dancing for him on the hood to the song Imma Star by Jeremih, haha! I never danced on top of a car before, good thing I am really light. He has some wicked sound system in that skyline. I could get used to this. By the way, do you know how hard it is to drive in 5inch Demonica platform boots?
Today I am just working on Calliope with a friend, and updating blogs. Tomorrow is Sports Day for my school. Haha, good luck dragging me there. If it rains, no way. If my mom kicks me out and forces me to go, and it's sunny, I will certainly be sitting in the furthest corner playing PSO or Ragnarok on PSP or DS or something. That's sports enough for me. Unless someone wants to come dance, dance is the extent of my sportyness. That and the treadmill and bike in my exercise room.
I am really tired, but I think I can fit in a whole 5 hours of dance today (since I don't intend to do anything tomorrow). Maybe squeeze in some modelling with zBrush, but I need the new version. Can't wait til I get my Ableton Live 8! I'll be making my own dance music then!
Jaa :)