So I had some really weird dreams... (´Д`;)where I was always dying and suffocating
First one was, I got my mom's boyfriend put in jail for 8 years because he drove his car at the wrong time of day... lol! NO SUCH LAW! The guy who penalized him looked like Vigo Mortenson +30 years.
Then, I woke up really upset (*´Д`) cuz my mom is supposed to retire soon and then her boyfriend is paying the bills. But if he went to jail then she would have to work a lot more >。< But I heard some nice stuff when I opened my eyes XD Cuz I sleep with my speakers on still :P and I managed to go back to sleep...
Then, I was on the SeaBus...

...with some friends. Then, you know when you are on airplane and it goes through turbulence? The boat started doing that, shaking soooo much, and these weird back things dropped from the ceiling... IDK what they were but no oxygen was coming out, then the real oxygen masks came down and the inside was filling up with water but I couldn't make my mask work!! So I couldn't breathe ;-; and I woke up again
Woke up to same sounds, went back to sleep :D It was pouring rain outside.
When I got back to dream, the world was ending. What's with all these bad dreams!!! Anyways, so we had this Arc (like Noah, lol!) and... well it was more like the movie 2012. Like a ocean liner. We had to stop at one of my friend's houses... it was actually Nick Mui's house, but it belonged to Yongjoon Kim (Francis)... His parents were there and they were preparing to move out so there wasn't any furniture. I don't remember what we went to pick up... but we got it and left, and then we were in the field at Clinton Elementary School...
and we were on another SeaBus... The field was flooded up to my knees D: and there was this glass covering on the SeaBus that fit maybe 7 people in, already were 5 people ducked and covered inside. I looked behind and saw this GIANT wave coming... I jumped into the boat and was pounding the glass telling them to let me in... finally they opened for me and my friend and we squeezed in and the wave hit~ WOOoOOooO felt like the Coaster at the PNE, lol! And couldn't breathe at all, I had my eyes closed. Then we crashed into a playground and I woke up... opened my eyes... except I was still dreaming, so I just thought I woke up... And I was married to this other guy, but David appeared from nowhere and it felt weird o.o then I really woke up xD
(yo te amo todavia)
I was supposed to go to Sports Day today for my school but I ended up waking up at 1pm so, whatever, lol. My teachers will murder me on Monday but... ehh. No worries! Today, gonna work on Calliope and learn some Spanish later maybe with Xetsu! Thank God for Ventrilo.
First one was, I got my mom's boyfriend put in jail for 8 years because he drove his car at the wrong time of day... lol! NO SUCH LAW! The guy who penalized him looked like Vigo Mortenson +30 years.
Then, I woke up really upset (*´Д`) cuz my mom is supposed to retire soon and then her boyfriend is paying the bills. But if he went to jail then she would have to work a lot more >。< But I heard some nice stuff when I opened my eyes XD Cuz I sleep with my speakers on still :P and I managed to go back to sleep...
Then, I was on the SeaBus...

Woke up to same sounds, went back to sleep :D It was pouring rain outside.
When I got back to dream, the world was ending. What's with all these bad dreams!!! Anyways, so we had this Arc (like Noah, lol!) and... well it was more like the movie 2012. Like a ocean liner. We had to stop at one of my friend's houses... it was actually Nick Mui's house, but it belonged to Yongjoon Kim (Francis)... His parents were there and they were preparing to move out so there wasn't any furniture. I don't remember what we went to pick up... but we got it and left, and then we were in the field at Clinton Elementary School...
and we were on another SeaBus... The field was flooded up to my knees D: and there was this glass covering on the SeaBus that fit maybe 7 people in, already were 5 people ducked and covered inside. I looked behind and saw this GIANT wave coming... I jumped into the boat and was pounding the glass telling them to let me in... finally they opened for me and my friend and we squeezed in and the wave hit~ WOOoOOooO felt like the Coaster at the PNE, lol! And couldn't breathe at all, I had my eyes closed. Then we crashed into a playground and I woke up... opened my eyes... except I was still dreaming, so I just thought I woke up... And I was married to this other guy, but David appeared from nowhere and it felt weird o.o then I really woke up xD
(yo te amo todavia)
I was supposed to go to Sports Day today for my school but I ended up waking up at 1pm so, whatever, lol. My teachers will murder me on Monday but... ehh. No worries! Today, gonna work on Calliope and learn some Spanish later maybe with Xetsu! Thank God for Ventrilo.